Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • S. Alouf and A. Jean-Marie are the general chairs of the 13th SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE 2016, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France).

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • A. Kadavankandy, J. Kazhuthuveettil Sreedharan, H. Mykhailenko, D. Politaki, and D. Tsigkari, were in the local organization committee of the 13th SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE 2016, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France).

  • A. Kadavankandy, H. Mykhailenko, D. Politaki, D. Tsigkari, and A. Tuholukova were volunteer students at the 13th SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE 2016, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France).

  • D. Politaki was a volunteer student at the Journées Cloud 2016, Nice, France.

  • D. Politaki and E. Vatamidou are members of the organizing committee of the workshop “Monde des mathématiques industrielles (MOMI)”, to be held on 27-28 February 2017 at Inria, Sophia Antipolis. Additional information:

  • L. Vermeersch was the local organization chair of the 13th SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE 2016, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France).

Member of Conference Steering Committees
  • E. Altman chairs the Steering Committee of the Intl. Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (this year: NETGCOOP 2016, Avignon, France).

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • 13th European Workshop on Performance Engineering (EPEW 2016, Chios, Greece) (A. Jean-Marie);

  • IEEE Intl. Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA) (G. Neglia);

  • Intl. Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NETGCOOP 2016, Avignon, France) (K. Avrachenkov);

  • 16th Intl. Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (NEW2AN 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia) (K. Avrachenkov);

  • 10th Intl. Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2016, Taormina, Italy) (K. Avrachenkov);

  • 31st Intl. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2016, Krakow, Poland) (A. Jean-Marie);

  • 17th Intl. Symposium of Dynamic Games and Applications (ISDG 2016, Urbino, Italy) (E. Altman);

  • Intl. Workshop on Bio-inspired Security, Trust, Assurance and Resilience (BioSTAR 2016, Fairmont, San Jose, CA, USA) (E. Altman);

  • 9th Intl. Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM 2016, Aalborg, Denmark) (K. Avrachenkov);

  • 5th International Conference on Computational Social Networks (CSoNet 2016, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) (K. Avrachenkov);

  • 1st Mini-Symposium on Stochastic Models: Methods and Applications (SAMMA 2016, Rhodes, Greece) (E. Vatamidou);

  • 13th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2016, Montreal, Canada) (K. Avrachenkov).

Session organizer
  • Session on Stochastic Modeling at the 17th Conference of the Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2016, Compiègne, France) (A. Jean-Marie).


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ToMPECS) (K. Avrachenkov since 2015).

  • Dynamic Games and Applications (DGAA) (E. Altman since 2011);

  • Elsevier Computer Communications (COMCOM) (G. Neglia since 2014);

  • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN) (E. Altman since 2013);

  • AIMS (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Journal of Dynamics and Games (JDG) (E. Altman since 2015);

  • Performance Evaluation (PEVA) (K. Avrachenkov since 2008);

  • Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT) (S. Alouf since July 2016).

Member of Advisory Boards
  • E. Altman is Member of the advisory board of the international journal IRAN Journal of Computer Science published by University of Tabriz. Since 2016.

Invited Talks

Maestro members gave the following keynote lectures/plenary speeches (in alphabetical order):

Eitan Altman gave a keynote talk at The International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, UNet 2016, Casablanca, May 30 – June 1st, 2016. Title: Game theory applied to SIS Epidemics in Networks.

Eitan Altman gave a keynote lecture at ITC 28 in Würzburg on 15 September 2015. Title: Dynamic Games for Analyzing Competition in the Internet.

Alain Jean-Marie gave a keynote lecture at the 11th Workshop on Retrial Queues (WRQ11), in Amsterdam, 31 August – 2 September, 2016. Title: Impatient Customers and Optimal Control.

and the following invited talks (in alphabetical order):

Access-time aware cache algorithms, at UCN'16 Workshop on Future challenges in User-Centric Networks, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, 14 June a workshop of ACM Sigmetrics / IFIP Performance 2016 (G. Neglia);

Distributed spectral decomposition and quantum random walk, at Workshop on critical and collective effects in graphs and networks, MIPT, Moscow, April 2016 (K. Avrachenkov);

Distributed spectral decomposition and quantum random walk, at the 20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), Leuven, Belgium, July 2016 (K. Avrachenkov);

Overview and comparison of random walk based techniques for estimating network averages, at COSTNET Conference, Ribno, Slovenia, September 2016 (K. Avrachenkov);

Hitting Times in Markov Chains with Restart and their Applications to Ranking, at Workshop dedicated to W. Stadje, Osnabruck, Germany, October 2016 (K. Avrachenkov).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • E. Altman is a fellow member of IEEE (Class of 2010).

  • E. Altman, A. Jean-Marie and P. Nain are (elected) members of IFIP WG7.3 on “Computer System Modeling”. E. Altman is also Member of WG 6.3 of IFIP on Performance of Communication Systems.

Research Administration

E. Altman
  • is co-responsible of one of the five themes of the SFR (Structure Fédérative de Recherche) AGORANTIC (in which Inria is a founding member) entitled “Digital Culture and Virtual Societies”.

S. Alouf
  • was member of the recruitment committee for junior Inria researchers (CR1, CR2);

  • is member of the scientific committee of the joint laboratory Inria-Alstom since May 2014.

K. Avrachenkov
  • together with Arnaud Legout (Diana team) and Fabien Gandon (Wimmics team) is co-responsible of the multi-disciplinary research theme (Action Transversale) “Semantic and Complex Networks” at Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée.

A. Jean-Marie

  • is the scientific coordinator of Inria activities in Montpellier (since 2008); as part of this duty, he represents Inria at the Scientific Council of the Doctoral School “Sciences and Agrosciences” of the Univ. of Avignon, at the Regional Conference of Research Organisms (CODOR);

  • is a member of the Steering Committee of the GDR RO , a national research initiative on Operations Research sponsored by the Cnrs ;

  • is Head of project-team Maestro since October 2014;

G. Neglia
  • is the scientific delegate for European partnerships for Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée since 2014;

  • is member of the Inria COST GTRI (International Relations Working Group of Inria's Scientific and Technological Orientation Council since 2016.

Maestro members are in the following committees of Inria Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée

  • CLFP: Training Committee (S. Alouf, since November 2014);

  • CSD: Doctoral Committee (S. Alouf, since February 2006);

  • MASTIC: a commission in charge of popularization and regional and internal scientific animation (D. Politaki, since July 2016);

  • NICE: Invited Researchers Committee (K. Avrachenkov, since 2010).

Maestro members are in charge of the following tasks for the research center and the project-team:

  • Supervision and validation of the project-teams' yearly activity reports (K. Avrachenkov, since 2010);

  • Organizing the fortnightly PhD seminars of the research center (D. Politaki, since November 2016);

  • Organizing the fortnightly Maestro internal meetings (J. K. Sreedharan, since November 2013).